Friday, August 7, 2009

By the time you read this ...

... I'll be here:

OK, so, obviously, not here, but here. :-) Anne Ida and I will be there - here - for a week, till Friday the 14th. We'll be playing Carcassonne in Carcassonne. That's pretty much all the plans we have. But I'm sure we'll think of something. :-)

There will be a few updates while I'm gone, not sure how interesting they'll be, but, well, everything slows down when it's vacation time. :-) I can't promise I'll manage to post anything while I'm in France, but we'll see. I certainly have plans for a very silly post when I get back. ;-)


Paz said...

Bonne chance, madame

KAS said...

Hope you're having fun!

trilltrall and I stopped by your place today and fed the turtles. They were hungry. Even Raphael finished his dinner in record time!