... is that you already know that the bad guy will win in the end. :-)

I wasn't sure that I was going to see
Cold Prey III, I actually thought I wouldn't, but, well, things happen. KAS and I went to see it tonight and it was ... good entertainment. Quality craftsmanship for its genre, and nowhere near as speculative as it could have been. Plus of course that any movie is good at Colosseum 1. :-) But the tag line still annoys me.
The end has been told. The beginning approaches. WTF? Yes, I know what they're saying, but it still sounds like nonsense.
In other movie news, I am now pretty psyched about two movies I wasn't that interested in before, after hearing that a couple of names have been confirmed. First,
Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins in
The Hobbit. OMG that is perfect!!1 Whee!! I haven't been very excited about this movie because, well, I'm not a Tolkien fan and I didn't like the
LotR movies much ... they were pretty good up to the ending of
The Return of the King, which literally ruined the entire trilogy. Now they're shit. Fuck 'em. But Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins!! Now that I just have to see. He is soo adorable, especially in
The Office, and I think he'll be a fantastic Bilbo. Psyched to see
The Hobbit now ... ! :-D
But even more psyched - ten times more!! - to see
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. The remake, I mean. Sure, it's probably going to suck. Remakes are pointless and stupid and almost always suck. Plus I won't get to see the leads I would have wanted, and who I'm sure would have been much better than what they'll be giving us. Seriously, picture this.
Katherine Moennig and
David Duchovny. Seriously, they would have been perfect! Now we're getting
Rooney Mara and
Daniel Craig. Sheesh. But of course it could have been worse. Don't get me started. ;-) And in one case it couldn't have been better! Because, get this, they have got
Christopher Plummer for Henrik Vanger!! Christopher Plummer!! I LOVE Christopher Plummer! He was almost the best thing in
The Lake House. ;-) I was going to see this movie anyway just because I am such a fangirl and I have to see it even though it's probably going to suck ass and it's definitely going to be utterly pointless, but now I'm actually excited to see it. Who'da thunk it. :-D
Go Christopher Plummer ... !!!! :-D