I won't be posting here for a while - a little over a week, to be precise - because I'm finally off on my summer vacation. YES!! I am soo ready for a little vacation time now. ;-) My 'real' vacation this year isn't till October, so that's why I've been home all summer (although with the kind of weather we've been having I've been just as happy to be at home) but I do need a break right about now, so I'm going to my family's cabin in the mountains for a week. Just my mother and me. (Here's hoping we can stay friends. ;-) I think we'll have a great time. Not so sure that the weather will cooperate, but what can you do. I'm bringing lots of books. ;-)
I'll be back on Monday, August 18th. (I'll be leaving tomorrow morning; tonight is the last part of the wedding celebrations.) I'll say my temporary farewells with a couple of pictures from yesterday. It was a lovely ceremony, a very fancy dinner, and a good time was had by all. All my best wishes to Kjersti and Rune. Fantastic wedding gown!! :-)

Ah, so this is what you've been doing all the time you haven't been writing to me! I can see you've been busy. You know, I never thought I'd see the day that hoping for e-mails from my friends would make me seem old-fashioned...
But at least you're not a Second Life addict.
...are you?
Oh, and pass my best wishes to Kjersti, too, of course...
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