Bill Maher was on The Daily Show recently, promoting his new movie, Religulous. It was on, let's see, September 30th in the US, but we're obviously a little behind schedule here :-) so it was broadcast here on October 7th.
I like Bill Maher, I think he's intelligent and very funny. I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie ... I hope it will be in theaters here. On The Daily Show, he had a lot of good points about religion. And he was really funny too. :-)
Part one.
Part two.
For some reason I can't post the videos here. Blogger won't let me, I'm not internet savvy enough to figure out why. Growl. I'll look into it ...
6 days ago
Bill Maher is fine when it comes to religion, although he for some reason doesn't want to be called an atheist. He's an agnostic, mind you.
The big problem with Maher is that he is a raving lunatic when it comes to other fields like vaccinations and health-issues. His skeptical thinking doesn't seem to encompass all areas of life...
Yeah, I really resent his calling himself an agnostic. It's just a copout. He's very smart but he's got some short circuits in among the cleverness, I think ... which is obvious quite often when you listen to him talk. :-) But he does make a lot of good point about a lot of things. Just not everything. Unfortunately.
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