October 11th.
Back to the pyramids ... I just have to share some of CH's great shots from our visit to the pyramids and the Sphinx. It was such an amazing experience. I can hardly believe that we were really there. :-) But I have these wonderful images to prove it. :-) CH called this picture
Grandfather, father and son. Great title. :-)

The two of us on the lookout point. Hatem took the picture and he made us pose like this. :-D

I really like this shot. The ancient pyramids and then the camel rider in the foreground, and a couple of horsedrawn carriages and buggies by the foot of the pyramid. It could be an ancient image. But then the cityscape in the background kind of draws your attention, and becomes clearer and clearer through the haze ... It's a great shot, I love it. :-)

Me in front of the Cheops pyramid. The white thingummy to the right there by the foot of the pyramid is a kind of little museum where they display the reed boat that was found inside the pyramid. Unfortunately we didn't get to go in and see it.

Cheops seen from the plateau by the Sphinx. The reed boat house is just barely visible along the facing side of the pyramid.

Is this an amazing shot or what?? An amazingly lucky shot, certainly. There were so many people there yet CH managed to get this picture of me all alone in front of the Sphinx. o_O She's lucky like that ... she took a couple of shots in China too where she miraculously managed to avoid the crowds that actually were there.

A sphinx's paw, some temple ruins, and the Cairo skyline. What a place. :-)

All the pictures in this post were taken by CH. You can see more pictures from Giza
here - the ones tagged *** are CH's and the ones without that tag are mine. :-)
I've been there!! :-D I did love it, it was amazing. There'll be a blog post on it - or probably several - in, oh, I don't know ... 2011 or something. ;-) There's also a video from there on my youtube channel. :-)
Yes, we were there for two weeks and went on a Nile cruise and everything. :-)
wow, saw a documentry on these, between that and your pics I have to get there
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