Respect for Nobel Committee and very prestigious award fading, fading ...
Nobel laureate Barack Obama??! WTF is that about?? When I checked the news this morning I almost thought it must be April 1st. Cause this sounds like a joke. >:-(
If they are so determined to suck up to the Americans as they appear to be, why not give Obama the literature prize?? (That's a rhetorical question, I already know why not, so don't answer.) Because as it is they're basically giving him the Peace Prize for his speeches. The guy hasn't done jack shit.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Obama ... in fact I like the guy. But he hasn't done anything!! In some years he may come to deserve the prize. But he sure as hell doesn't deserve it now. All he's done is talk. I want to run for office too, and I'll tell people that I'm going to do all kinds of great stuff and then they'll give me the Peace Prize too. Right? >:-(
The nominees for the Prize must be submitted by February 1st, so that means Obama was nominated after 11 days in office. That is a joke. At least they could have waited till he'd completed his first term.
6 days ago
Fading, fading some more...
I know. I'm speechless.
Ditto that. The Nobel Committee is really trying hard to make itself irrelevant.
it is sad that he got it for talking, can you imagine what other world leaders that could get an award using the same logic
All I can say Okay. That was a very random pick at this point in time. Maybe wait a few years and see what he actually does???
Later we were talking about this in the office and no one believed me when I told them who was the Time Man of the year 1938, lets hope lightning does not strike twice ;)
Yeah, I didn't get this one either...
Don't get me wrong, I too think they jumped the gun, but he has done quite a lot already. Most importantly, he has turned US foreign policy away from the the Bush administration's hardline, shoot-first-ask-later, either-with-me-or-against-me etc. approach and back toward diplomacy, compromise and cooperation.
'Done'? What is it that he has 'done'? I've heard him talk a lot, but I haven't seen him actually do much.
Talk is cheap. (But it can obviously be worth ten million crowns. Only Swedish ones, but still. >:-)
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