Yay, another song that isn't too bad. The lineup really isn't all that this year. I had high hopes for Bosnia ... their song last year was fantastic, beyond fantastic. I love that song, I listen to it all the time. And their entry in 2006 was so beautiful too. So I tend to hope for good things from the Bosnians ... and this year their song is, well, not too bad. Pretty good. I like it. :-) A pretty simple rock song, lyrics that would have been more effective in Bosnian, probably, but not hideously embarrassing either. A melodious tune well performed. He's alone on stage most of the performance, though, which is a very hard way to win. Not that this has a real chance to win, anyway, I don't think. But I like it. The Bosnians can hold their heads up this year too. :-)
This is Vukašin Brajić performing Thunder and Lightning which he cowrote with Dino Šaran and Ulvilja Tanović. They'll be competing for Bosnia & Herzegovina on May 25th. Predicted results ... good but not spectacular.
Lyrics here.
1 week ago
I'm so sorry to say, but I'm disappointed with B&H this year. It's not bad, but it's not catchy in any way, it doesn't haunt you afterwards, you don't want to play it repeatedly.. Lucky if they go to the final!
Yeah, I agree, good assessment. It's not bad, but compared to for instance their amazing song from last year, it's definitely a letdown. Too bad. :-(
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