Sunday, September 26, 2010

Videos from Ireland, yay!

I'm finally getting around to uploading my videos from Ireland to my Youtube channel. Four down, 22 to go. o_O The first two were pretty dull, just scenery from the plane. But now I'm getting to the good stuff. :-) These two are from my first day in Ireland. We immediately set off on adventures. :-)

This is from Knowth and Newgrange, an amazing place ... especially the latter. Wow. A tourist destination for 300 years. :-) Five thousand year old grave mounds, with the world's biggest collection, if that's the word I want, of megalithic art.

This is another such grave - a passage grave called Fourknocks - AFAIK a little more recent, maybe no more than 4500 years. :-D It's a lot smaller than either Knowth and Newgrange - a lot - but in some ways it's more special because you can go inside it, which you can't at Knowth, and it's beautifully decorated, much more so than Newgrange, where you can enter the tomb. But you can't use a camera in there, they don't allow it. Does this make sense? :-)

Here's the video I made, anyway. Ancient grave sites and pretty horses. What's not to like? :-)


Paz said...
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Paz said...

A pity about the tour guide, he wasn't up to much and his 'Irish' accent sounded fake :P

Leisha Camden said...

I know, he was pretty hopeless ... but he was cheap too, just wanted money for beer ;-)

Paz said...

noticed the gut, looks lazy