ESC-wise, I really love Romania. They're one of my favorite countries. They've sent so many great songs. Of course they don't always get it right, but when they do, wow. :-) 2005 and 2006 were some of their best years ... and of course last year, when they ended up third with the fantastic Playing With Fire. Their dream is, naturally, to one day win - and I for one would love to see the contest in Bucharest. Will this be Romania's year? I'm genuinely sorry to say that I don't think so. If they couldn't do it with Playing With Fire, I seriously doubt that they can do it with Change. But!
Don't let the fact that I don't see this song as a winner lead you to think that I don't like it. On the contrary, I love it. Another Romanian favorite. :-) The problem is that I can't tell you exactly what's so great about it. I really like the opening. I like the piano keeping the beat. I like the singer's voice. I like the chorus. But do I like these things because they're good, or do I just like them because I like them? Couldn't tell you. My bias may be clouding my judgment on this one. But I like the song a lot and I will have my fingers crossed for Romania this year. As usual. :-)
One thing I don't like is the singer's outfit. It's his shirt. There's something about it, I can't put my finger on exactly what, but it's really distracting. He needs to change his outfit. But I think he can do it. He can change! :-D
This is Hotel FM performing Change by Gabriel Băruţă and Alexandra Ivan, who will be competing for Romania on Thursday, May 12th. They're in the second semi, so I can vote for them, yay! :-D
Fullscreen here. Lyrics here.
4 days ago
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