For today's post I've just got to rant a little bit about, yeah, another bunch of idiots. People are so stupid. Growl, &c. Read this.
What the fuck is wrong with people??! Why can't they just keep their religion to themselves!!? Why do religious people feel this way, where does this sense of entitlement come from that they don't understand the simple concept of respect?? Viz., that respect is something that you have to actually earn. You can't just waltz in and demand it. That's not the way it works. And in fact, the very act of demanding respect for your beliefs and/or way of life is very often almost a guarantee that you will not receive it.
I'm not saying this to hurt anyone (I just don't care if I do), but I have to say that orthodox Jews - the really hardcore orthodox ones - are probably the group of religious nutcases that I resent the most. I'm not sure I can put my finger on it. They just basically make me sick with their hypocrisy. Oh, god says that a woman mustn't show her hair? Then just shave it all off and instead wear a gorgeous wig made from, yes indeed, genuine human hair. WTF is up with that? (Which is just one of many examples.) How is that not just basically giving god the finger right up in his face? That's like saying, straight out, fuck you, god, I don't really care, I'm just pretending to because I don't want the neighbors to talk. It makes me sick, it really does.
And it also makes me think that it's incredible how these people must basically hate themselves, and hate life, and hate the world, in order to be able to force themselves to live this limited, circumscribed life full of guilt and suspicion. I am so happy that I don't sense any invisible presence all over the place that is just waiting to judge and condemn me - because honestly, that is what their god seems to be to these people.
Equally hopeless idiots, though, are PETA. What a bunch of fuckwits. Not only are they terrorists, not only do they kill off I don't know how many of the animals they pretend to want to save, but they really truly want to make people stop caring about animal rights. That is the only way I can make sense of what these lamebrains are doing. President Obama killed a fly, right? And now PETA's slamming him for what they manage to somehow interpret as some kind of cruelty to animals. "We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals," PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. "We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals." o_O
Fuck that shit. Americans reading this: support your president, kill a fly today!!
2 days ago
>orthodox Jews - the really hardcore orthodox ones - are probably the group of religious nutcases that I resent the most.
>Oh, god says that a woman mustn't show her hair? Then just shave it all off and instead wear a gorgeous wig made from, yes indeed, genuine human hair.
It's a very good point. It may be some kind of religious hypocrisy that is typical of these people. "God says we can't show our own hair, but that doesn't mean I can't show someone else's hair!" This kind of finding loopholes and exaggerated justification for our vices is very common in that world. Perhaps that's part of the need for rabbis in that world. In theory, most things are prohibited. Rabbis, of course, can find you all the loopholes, so your life is somewhat tolerable. They're kind of like lawyers that way. Of course, they can abuse their power, and there's no need for a lawyer, unless of course you're on trial, which these religious people seem not to realize that they're not (on trial), but somehow, the show goes on.
Also, I think it's important to lay most of the blame at the rabbis, preachers and others who are most responsible for all the indoctrination. Most of the followers are mostly victims, and have very little say on anything. It's like condemning North Koreans, when we all know that the ones in charge are most responsible.
I find that since I come from that world, I'm still somewhat blind to its faults, so I find it refreshing to hear others' opinions about it. Thanks.
Hi OTD, thanks for commenting, it's interesting to hear your perspective.
This kind of finding loopholes and exaggerated justification for our vices is very common in that world.
This is definitely my perception.
I do understand your point about blaming the rabbis and that's where the fault originally lies. But I'm not sure I agree with it. I don't think I agree with your comparison with North Korea. NK is a very closed society where very little information is available beyond what the authorities offer, so people there don't have a lot of choice - literally - about what information to take in and base their opinions on. But for people living in the western world IMO the situation is different - information is available here, and easily accessible too. So in our part of the world it's more a case of choosing not to access the information. Sure, it can be difficult to access it if you're living in a strict religious setting. But IMO those are difficulties that can be overcome if one chooses to do so. So I don't quite agree with your point there.
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