The well-known BookCrosser miketroll, yes indeed, meet him I did. A year ago!! o_O I seriously am the slowest blogger ever. A year ago today Mike and his charming wife Mrs Troll (real name withheld ;-) visited Oslo for a day as part of their cruise along the Norwegian coast. We spent the day together, we went to the Vigeland Park and to the Folk Museum at Bygdøy. It was a really nice day despite the weather - overcast and rainy - and I figured I'd blog about it at some point. But here it is a year later and I still haven't gotten around to writing that blog post. Shame on me. But get ready for a weird coinkydink - today, a year to the day later, I've been to the Folk Museum again with another BookCrosser from even further away. Weirdness, much?? Today my companion was awaywithfairies from Australia who's visiting Oslo for a few days as part of her vacation. It was great to meet her, and I have to say that this is one of the best parts of being a BookCrosser ... you get to meet so many different people from so many different places. :-)
Maybe one day I will write a blogpost about today ... o_O
In totally unrelated news, today marks the 40th anniversary of the moon landing. Freaky. I wonder if our species will ever make it to another planet (and yes, I know that the moon is just a satellite, but let me have my flight of fancy) or if we will bring ourselves and/or the biosphere down in a mess of destruction. Gee, that's a tricky one ... >:-(
Oh, and happy birthday to HRH Crown Prince Haakon, who is 36 years old today. This year I wasn't downtown at noon, so I didn't hear the cannon fire, which I did catch last year. (It was fun, it freaked out some American tourists. :-) But I did see the flag flying for the prince over the Parliament building. :-)
3 days ago
should have titled it 'hot of the press. I met Mike Troll'
also 40 years since "Paul" died. ;p
NO FREAKING WAY, next you'll say that the pope was a Nazi or that communist China has Americas economy by the nuts, you Norwegians and your crazy ideas
Fine, live in denial all you want, see if I care!! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE if you dare to look ... !!!
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