He's a much better actor than people know. I've worked with good actors. This guy's incredible. Underrated is the word I always use. He's misunderstood or something, maybe because he does a lot of action pictures, which are very difficult. Harrison Ford is Harrison Ford because he can pull that off. They don't get the credit that they deserve on action pictures because they are really tough to do.
Howard Deutch, 2000
3 days ago
Howard Deutch who did one Melrose Place the pilot and noting after and they cant remember the Carolinr in the city episodes he did , sounds a bit desperate like a testimonial that the guys use in the shopping channel were they bring out Joe Actor who starred in a sitcom that no one heard off :P
Love is blind but because i was so negative
No, Howard Deutch who directed Keanu alongside Gene Hackman in The Replacements ... which was kind of the point. o_O
Picture, lol!! Did you make that?? Naah ... ?!
Also the Howard Deutch who did The Whole Ten Yards, which quite frankly was a pretty crappy movie. If they gave out awards for “worst sequel to a comedy that wasn't too bad, really, especially the part where Amanda Peet got naked”, it would rank right up there with Be Cool—except Get Shorty didn't have Amanda Peet naked, but it did have Danny DeVito doing a really good job of pretending to be a really shitty actor. For God's sake, I hope they never make another sequel to either movie.
well if he reckons after working with both that Keanu (MTV's most desirable male 1992) was better than Gene (Acadamy award nominated 5, won 2.Bafta nominated 5, won 4. Golden Globe nominated 8 won 3.) I will take his word for it
was discombobulated earlier worked last night I did not put across what I meant to type, Worth 1000 is one of my favourite sites tho I never photoshop
You're really reading WAY too much into that quote if you see Deutch as saying that Keanu is 'better' than Hackman. That has nothing whatsoever to do with what he's saying here.
You guys are so totally missing the point, why do I bother, etc. Ack!! I need a woman to comment on this!! o_O
One of the mean boys will leave you alone, BTW if you looked thro Worth 1000 after searching Keanu you'd have seen this http://www.worth1000.com/emailthis.asp?image=225071
You don't have to leave, but it would be great if you could send your wife around as well ... Or some other female relative or acquantaince ... ;-) (I really just need the x chromosome.)
No way, Keanu is far too old to play Jebus ... !! Who was supposed to have been 33 when he died (so not in the year 33 AD, then o_O) - Keanu will be 45 in a couple of months. Although if what you're saying is that he looks incredibly good for his age, I'm with you there.
But look what I found:
Now that I am SO down with!! Swoon ... !!
I never even heard about this site before, why haven't I? I must not surf enough. ;-) Did you do a search for 'barack obama'? If not, try it ... a lot of people interested in seeing him as a woman for some reason. Hmm. And I really really like this:
Is that the cutest or what!!? I love it!! :-D
am afraid the x chromosome is not with me at moment, so no back up for you on this end.
there are some fantastic pics on the site
I know!! Check out this one!! lol, I love it!! :-D
Perfect!! :-D
BTW I liked this one in new, I want one now
Yeah, there are a lot of crazy drivers out there *cough* ...
though if those were invented I would be a target, the people that announce the traffic here in Ireland call me regularly because of the tail backs that I have caused over the past few weeks.
As a non-driver I'm fortunately spared these difficulties. But look at this one - awww ... !! Precious!! :-D
But this might be more to your taste:
@Leisha: I don't have an X chromosome either, but I can pretend, if you like:
OMG Keany is the bestest actor ever and he's so dreamy and I want to have his love child! I LOVE YOU KEANU!
Or not. It's up to you.
Hmm, Amanda Peet...
Do you genuinely think that that is funny?
If so, it's sad. Aren't you supposed to be like my age?
I guess you think that that's really funny. I'm sorry to say that I don't think it's funny - irrelevant of any connection to Keanu - it's infantile and stupid.
Try to come up with something better next time, you're embarrassing yourself.
And be warned that all of this is just more fodder for my upcoming *long* blog post In Defense of you know who ... >:-(
@Leisha: it was not targeted at you, if that's what you think, nor was it an attack on Keanu; I genuinely like him as an actor (though I didn't until you showed me some of his better movies). But if you're really offended, feel free to delete my comment.
Turtle versus Rabbit
the site is addictive
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