Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A thing or two

I've been meaning to write a post about the fur trade here in Norway again, following the revelations of recent weeks ... and I will, too, just not today. :-) A little too tired today. But I still have to mention it. I was on the 37 bus going downtown this afternoon, I had to go to the library, and I saw a woman there in this huge fur coat. I mean, seriously huge ... sleeves down to here and a collar that her hair got lost in. I only saw her from behind but her hair was graying so she can't have been a young 'un. Which is as expected ... I rather think that young Norwegian women today would prefer to not be seen in a garment like that.

What I wanted to say was that I really don't get the fur thing. I mean, fur farming is a wretched business, absolutely, but even if it wasn't for that, if I knew nothing of that, I still wouldn't get it. OK, sure, it's cold, and fur is warm ... but so is wool, and wool looks so much better. It's the look of the fur wearers that I can't get my head around. I don't know how they look in the mirror and figure that yeah, this looks good. I mean ... it doesn't look good. It just doesn't. Each and every woman who wears fur, whenever and wherever she wears it, looks like a Russian prostitute. (Mom, if you read this, I'm sorry, but it's just the truth. And when you're dead I will burn that fur coat that you were so happy about when dad bought it for you. Sorry.) I just do not get it.

Og før noen begynner å snakke om Janteloven :-D - dét er virkelig bare piss. Noe som forøvrig ble formulert fantastisk bra av brukeren 'Clit Fistwood' (lol!) på Dagbla' på nett i dag. Artikkelen handler om bloggen til Aylar Lie. Helt sant. Les her:

Jeg blir mental forkvaklet og fysisk kvalm av kjendishysteri, og alt det andre rælet som f.eks Aylar representerer. Hva har det egentlig med jantelov å gjøre? Janteloven lyder; "Du skal ikke tro at du er noe/bedre enn andre". Men skal ALLE gå rundt og tro at alt de gjør er så jævlig bra da? Hva hvis det ikke er bra? Det blir litt som at morra til diverse idol-deltakere sannsynligvis har fortalt barnet hele livet at det er kjeeempeflinkt til å synge! Ååå så flink. Vennene tør kanskje ikke si noe annet. Vedkommende går da rundt i troen om at hun/han er flink. Realiteten er kanskje at vedkommende suger. Men selvtiltten og eksponeringsbehovet er på topp! Hvis man da forteller vedkommende, basert på bedre viten, at hun/han har null talent. Er det da jantelov, eller er det fakta?
Slutt og grin om janteloven hver gang ikke alle tisser på seg av glede når en eller annen C-kjendis har fått nye kjønnslepper.

Hahaha, så latterlig bra ... ! :-D


Paz said...

poor mum

Leisha Camden said...

For some reason she hardly ever wears that coat anymore ...