Third round, starting now. I'm at home, Anne Ida's here and we've just finished dissing Wenche Myhre over a delicious dinner ... so we're ready to, ahem, 'rock'. *cough*
Song #1: Mats Lie Skåre: Left Right, performed by Sichelle. Umm ... she's been singing in Norwegian up till now, but this song is in English ... and I'll just say it like this, she should have stuck to Norwegian. Awful dress. It looks like something thrown together at the last minute just so she'd have something to wear (and then stuck together with electrical tape). Bad color too - hot pink. Oh noes. As for the song ... I can't really get a handle on the song. It's sort of ... choppy, if that makes sense. A choppy rhythm. I can't really catch the rhythm of this song. It doesn't sound quite finished. I don't like it, I don't think it will get anywhere. She does put her heart into it - there just isn't a lot here to put any heart into.
Song #2: The Rebelettes: Soul Train, performed by the Rebelettes. OK, serious improvement. This is a much better song. The problem is that it doesn't have a lot of originality. I'm sure we've all heard this umpteen times before. I'm also not sure that it's the kind of thing that goes down well in this contest ... but then again, genre-wise the ESC has been blown wide open in recent years, so who knows. :-) These girls are more professional than Sichelle and their song is a better product, so they should do better. But it's anything but original, so I'm not sure if people will really remember it. And they look totally wrong. The band's outfits don't match, and the singer's outfit is like ... WTF? The song is called Soul Train and she's wearing something that wouldn't look out of place in a lawyer's office. Seriously bad wardrobe decision. But that can be fixed. Her voice is good. Professional performance. Anne Ida says she wouldn't mind seeing these girls again in the semi. Maybe we will. :-)
Song #3: Simone Larsen and Simen Eriksrud: Seven Seconds, performed by Ovi. This guy's been in the ESC before ... in 2007 I think. In our national contest, obviously. :-) I really like the song he had then. Here's hoping this will be as good ... but it's not, really. Alas. This song is a mainstream pop song, totally standard, nothing special about it either way. Perfectly acceptable and quickly forgotten. Pretty stupid lyrics, but I expect nothing else from Simone Larsen. We wouldn't disgrace ourselves in Moscow with this song, but no one would remember it either. Not a problem though since there's no way this song will be going to Moscow. ;-)
Song #4: Jane Helen: Shuffled, performed by Jane Helen. Alright! This'll wake you up. :-) Anne Ida thinks that this band is named after an 80s brand of hair care products ... ? She may be on to something, although I can't really put my finger on it. Anyone? This is a fun entry - rock'n'roll! :-D - a real band with, I guess, real talent. Kind of harmless wannabe punk music. Their performance is eye-catching - pyrotechnics and all - and I like their style, it's really different in this setting, and I like that. Not sure about the song though - it's too staccato, there isn't anything of the melodious about it, and I'm not sure if there is any hook here that people will remember. But it would be fun to send this song just for the hell of it ... fishnet stockings included. :-D
Song #5: Hanne Sørvaag and Harry Sommerdahl: Do It Again, performed by Foxy. Two blonde teen girls performing a pop song - not too original this entry either. But these girls are more professional than you'd expect of a 17- and an 18-year-old. It's a good performance with a lot of energy ... and I like the intro there with the screens and the silhouettes, that's something people may remember. A little different. They sing well and the performance is good, but the song is a little too standard ... and although the chorus is catchy, the verses aren't, so much. I don't think I will remember this song for long. It's perfectly alright but nothing really special.
Song #6: Solgunn Ivana and Hans Petter Aaserud: Carrie, performed by Solgunn Ivana calling herself Sunny. When I just saw the hat this singer was wearing, I was about to say that she had a nice outfit. But then I saw the rest of it, and discovered that no, it is an awful outfit!! WTF have they been thinking?! Hooker boots, hotpants, a ... I hardly know what to call it, a frilly bustier? And a 1930s style hat with a bow and a veil. WTF? But! A bad costume can be fixed, and this is a really cool song. Very catchy, a great melody, and an energetic performance. She doesn't sing it very well, that's true ... but again, that's something that can potentially be fixed. She may be nervous, and she can practice. So far, totally my favorite. I'm gonna vote for this. Good song, me like!!
Song #7: Alexander Rybak: Fairytale, performed by Alexander Rybak. They always save the best for last!! The last song in the last quarter-final, and this is definitely the best song. Hands down. Harding fiddle, three guys dancing something halling-like in the background ... a very catchy song, good melody, good lyrics, a professional performance by a charming & good-looking young man ... he plays the fiddle himself and dances a little ... he wrote the song himself. He sings much better than 'Sunny'. Great stage presence. Original, unusual melody. This is a really good song and it ought to be the obvious winner. I hope this will be the Norwegian entry this year. No doubt in my mind. The one thing I don't like about it is that it's in English. But I guess you can't have everything. :-( This song will definitely get my vote tonight. :-)
I voted five times for Fairytale (or maybe six, I kind of lost track) and, because of the semifinal, three times for Carrie (although I really don't understand the title of that song). My duty is done. Now let's see.
Sunny - Carrie
Jane Helen - Shuffled
Alexander Rybak - Fairytale
Ovi - Seven Seconds
OK, pretty obvious results mostly, but Ovi got through?? With that bland ballad?? Color me surprised. I would have expected the Foxy girls or the Rebelettes - I was sure that this song didn't stand a chance. And I didn't want it to, especially since the song he competed with last time was better, which shouldn't matter but kind of does anyway. It's a pretty good song while I'm listening to it, but so forgettable. Why did people vote for this?? Oh well, it doesn't matter anyway, because Fairytale will win the whole thing. I bet. ;-)
Will update with Youtube links etc.
3 days ago
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