Friday, February 13, 2009

Sunset over Oslo, and some ... umm ... art?

This afternoon, as I was going downtown after work to meet Anéa, I watched the sun set over the city as I waited for the subway at Risløkka station. It's not a picturesque area, but the sunset made for a lovely view anyway.

We went to the movies (Changeling by Clint Eastwood, review coming up) and afterwards walked to the subway station together. As we were standing by one of the entrances, chatting, I happened to turn around and noticed ... I'm not actually sure what it was I noticed. Fruit. On a tree. A lot of various fruits had been attached to one of the trees by the entrance ... I couldn't tell how ... and it must have been recent, since all the fruits were perfectly fresh, and it's quite cold out tonight, almost freezing. Very strange. I was glad I had my camera with me. :-)


Paz said...

nice sunset and the tree, makes a nice photo
The title ...umm art... reminded me of a friend who wanted to buy something he saw in an Art Gallery window, got tongue tied and embarrassed and said 'could I have 3 arts please', an intelligent chap normally, they kicked the heathen out or the 'Art shop'

Leisha Camden said...

Was he really kicked out?? lol!! Poor guy! And imagine all the horrible things the staff were probably saying about him afterwards ... !! :-o

Leisha Camden said...

Oh yeah, and I picked that title for the post because I really don't know what that thing was. Who would string up a bunch of fruit like that? o_O The nearest I can figure is that it's some kind of art installation - like those footprints painted on sidewalks last year or whenever it was ...

Paz said...

More politely asked to lease the premises, than being turfed out the door, same guy deserved it :P, I figured thats why you titled it that way