I probably won't be posting to the blog for a while. Maybe, if I totally strike out, not for two weeks. I hope I will be able to stop by. But I make no promises. I may not be able to get online ... and if so, I probably won't care, because I'll have better things to do. Sorry, nothing personal to anyone! But! You would feel like you had better things to do too, if you were going to be spending the next two weeks in ...
Indeed, I speak the truth! I kid you not! I am totally going to be in Egypt for the next two weeks. As of tomorrow. Our plane's taking off at 7:05 am tomorrow ... so we have to be at the airport at around 5am. That's gonna hurt. But it'll be worth it. SO worth it. This will be my summer vacation this year - I didn't really go anywhere this summer - because we'd decided we'd go to Egypt and obviously we couldn't go there in July or whenever. We'd cook our little brains. So I've had to wait all year till now for a real vacation. All summer I was stuck at work ... being bored, so awfully bored ... while the others jetted off to California, Spain, Denmark, I don't know where they all went. But I was stuck at work. Alas. But now the time has come for my revenge ... !!! Bwahahaha!! :-D
So, where was I ... yeah ... I'll try to stop by with an update or two. I'm pretty sure I can get online in our 5 star luxury hotels in first Cairo, then Luxor, then Cairo again. Not so sure about the Nile cruise liner that we'll be spending a week on ... but I'll just have to wait and see. I will of course be taking a million pictures, so brace yourselves for when I get back. ;-) I won't be able to respond to a lot of comments until I get back, I shouldn't think ... so try to mind your manners while I'm gone. ;-) That applies mainly to those people bitching on the Obama/damsel in distress post - hope that doesn't totally implode in my absense. :-o I may have to pull some moderating shit on that one. But what can you do. I'm going on vacation, you guys will just have to think of something to entertain yourselves. ;-)
I'll be back on October 24th. Till then, I'll leave you with something pretty for you to look at.

Have fun, don't go viking plundering an pillaging the ancient artifacts, will miss the writing, looking forward to looking at the pics when you get back, will also have no one leaving comments, except maybe findabair
I will be on my best behavior throughout my stay ;-) and I will take hundreds of pictures. See you!! :-)
(Findabair will stop by, don't worry! ;-)
Have a smashing trip!! I'm very happy for you.
Did you REALLY have to post that bloody horrible photo?
Wait, I forgot who I was writing to...
Hope you get bitten by a camel. It'll serve you right for all the years of Keanu abuse you've heaped on me. (Only joking ... well, mostly)
Even though I'm a bit late - guess you might not see this before you get back - I just wanted to wish you a wonderful trip! Looking forward to the million photos, and say hi to the vampires in Luxor for me :)
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