This is a story from the Norwegian newspaper VG, the biggest newspaper in the country, from today's edition. Not that these things matter in today's dog-eat-dog world, but I found it quite touching, and I want to share.
Clarification for the literally minded: I do think these things matter, but I'm sure many will say that they don't. Anecdotal evidence, just a sappy human interest story, bla bla. Whatever. I think that this is a story that some may be interested in hearing. If you're not interested, cork it. I've translated the story into English and am posting it here. The original, in Norwegian, is here.
I'll be cross-posting this to the BookCrossing forum, since I'm sure there are some members there who will appreciate reading it.
I'm sorry about the annoyingly sappy language - this is a speculative tabloid so that's just how all their articles are.
Mary lacked money to fly home to Norway – he saved her love
ÅSGÅRDSTRAND (VG): Mary was a newlywed and ready to move to Norway, but was stopped at the airport because she didn’t have enough money for the trip. Then a stranger turned up and paid for her.
Mary Menth Andersen was 31 years old at the time and had just married Norwegian Dag Andersen. She was looking forward to starting a new life in Åsgårdstrand in Vestfold with him. But first she had to get all of her belongings across to Norway. The date was November 2nd, 1988.
At the airport in Miami things were hectic as usual, with long lines at the check-in counters. When it was finally Mary’s turn and she had placed her luggage on the baggage line, she got the message that would crush her bubbling feeling of happiness.
-You’ll have to pay a 103 dollar surcharge if you want to bring both those suitcases to Norway, the man behind the counter said.
Mary had no money. Her new husband had travelled ahead of her to Norway, and she had no one else to call.
-I was completely desperate and tried to think which of my things I could manage without. But I had already made such a careful selection of my most prized possessions, says Mary.
Although she explained the situation to the man behind the counter, he showed no signs of mercy.
-I started to cry, tears were pouring down my face and I had no idea what to do. Then I heard a gentle and friendly voice behind me saying, That’s OK, I’ll pay for her.
Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before.
-He had a gentle and kind voice that was still firm and decisive. The first thing I thought was, Who is this man?
Although this happened 20 years ago, Mary still remembers the authority that radiated from the man.
-He was nicely dressed, fashionably dressed with brown leather shoes, a cotton shirt open at the throat and khaki pants, says Mary.
She was thrilled to be able to bring both her suitcases to Norway and assured the stranger that he would get his money back. The man wrote his name and address on a piece of paper that he gave to Mary. She thanked him repeatedly. When she finally walked off towards the security checkpoint, he waved goodbye to her.
The piece of paper said ‘Barack Obama’ and his address in Kansas, which is the state where his mother comes from. Mary carried the slip of paper around in her wallet for years, before it was thrown out.
-He was my knight in shining armor, says Mary, smiling.
She paid the 103 dollars back to Obama the day after she arrived in Norway. At that time he had just finished his job as a poorly paid community worker* in Chicago, and had started his law studies at prestigious Harvard university.
In the spring of 2006 Mary’s parents had heard that Obama was considering a run for president, but that he had still not decided. They chose to write a letter in which they told him that he would receive their votes. At the same time, they thanked Obama for helping their daughter 18 years earlier.
In a letter to Mary’s parents dated May 4th, 2006 and stamped ‘United States Senate, Washington DC’, Barack Obama writes**:
‘I want to thank you for the lovely things you wrote about me and for reminding me of what happened at Miami airport. I’m happy I could help back then, and I’m delighted to hear that your daughter is happy in Norway. Please send her my best wishes. Sincerely, Barack Obama, United States senator’.
The parents sent the letter on to Mary.
This week VG met her and her husband in the café that she runs with her friend Lisbeth Tollefsrud in Åsgårdstrand.
-It’s amazing to think that the man who helped me 20 years ago may now become the next US president, says Mary delightedly.
She has already voted for Obama. She recently donated 100 dollars to his campaign.
She often tells the story from Miami airport, both when race issues are raised and when the conversation turns to the presidential elections.
-I sincerely hope the Americans will see reason and understand that Obama means change, says Mary.
*Not at all sure about this part of the translation. The Norwegian word used is 'miljøarbeider', I don't know what the exact English word for that is or even if there is one, and I don't know enough about Obama to say what job of his they're talking about.
**This is my translation of the reporter's translation of the letter. From English to Norwegian and back to English. So obviously it is not correct word for word.
And here she is with her husband and the letter.

If anyone wants to post this anywhere else, be my guest.
1 – 200 of 238 Newer› Newest»Yes, I have deliberately left Obama's name out of my translation up until the last possible moment, in order to make the denouement as exciting as possible. You are correct. No need to point it out any further.
BookCrossing forum thread:
Wow. I'm a skeptic, so I have trouble believing this, but it seems true enough, and if it is, that is pretty damn cool.
And I do like Obama.
I believe "community organiser" is the phrase you are looking for! At any rate, it's what Obama was doing in Chicago.
Touching story! This is a man I would like to see as president of the US!
Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous... Thanks for posting this!
From the front page I got the impression that the story was about some sappy stunt of Obama's during the election campaign, so I couldn't be bothered to buy the paper myself. Am pleasantly surprised to see that this wasn't the case; if this story is true it says something about the man I think!
Margo: A point in favor of believing the story is that this newspaper is the biggest in the country ... they have a circulation of over one million, which of course sounds absolutely tiny to you ;-) but bearing in mind that our entire population is only 4.7 million, they do actually have a huge readership ... and a certain reputation to uphold. Their reporter has obviously seen the letter from Obama and I think I can pretty much guarantee you that the story has been thoroughly checked out. :-)
findabair: I agree, it definitely says something. It isn't a big deal, but what he did (I do believe the story; I see no reason not to) is something that not everyone would do. I can't say for sure that I would have done it myself.
My main reason for believing this story: VG is running it only for their own benefit (ie, to sell more papers because people will want to read about this very tenuous connection between Norway and Obama) - it can have no impact on the election in any way, so there would be no reason to invent it. That would be a lot of effort for basically no reward. The only thing that can benefit from this is VG's circulation ... but that only applies if the story is true, because otherwise it would hurt their overall credibility. That's my reasoning, anyway. :-)
Oh, and also: the url below will give you this woman's full name, address and cell phone number. I suppose anyone who's interested can send her a postcard and ask her to fax over a copy of the letter. ;-)
Okay, that adds to its credibility. Thanks!
Sorry about the hiccup. Excellent article!
After reading the VG article, I smiled and said to myself "if it is true then Obama may bring a human face into American politics".
Can he deliver? Yes, if he gets the support of all who have power and authority in USA politics
Thank you for sharing that. It is an incredible story showing what kind of class act Mr. Obama is.
I hope this makes the front pages!
There's no question in my mind that if one had to choose between Barack Obama and John McCain that the wiser choice would be to choose Senator Obama. However, the wiser choice would be to vote Libertarian. Nevetheless, I thought the story about a young Barack Obama helping a stranger was a lovely story. Class act that Barack Obama!
Be sure-a shameless plug is coming-to visit Katrineholm Uncensord about life in Katrineholm, Sweden which is a town that has had socialist government for over eighty years straight:
Great post. Never heard that story. Thanks for posting. He seems like a "good" guy.
Looks like miljøarbeider means roughly 'environment worker.'
a version of your story made the recommended list at DailyKos. Thanks for the translation and for helping thousands of people hear about this story.
You notes that you weren't able to translate the word 'miljøarbeider' and so you substituted community organizer.
Spending some time on Google, 'miljøarbeider' translates to 'environmental' which apparently refers to those who work with recovering drug addicts.
Which was one of his primary duties as a community organizer.
(So the translation is accurate, and you can remove the star)
I think this story is entirely in keeping with someone who would give up the chance of a lucrative career for a low paying job helping the less fortunate in Chicago. The man is clearly a born "giver".
Thank you for posting and for translating.
I hope that this inspires people to do the same.
Wow, this is a wonderfull story, hope it makes it to the digg home page. Thank you for sharing it.
The wiser choice will never be to vote Libertarian. Libertarians are even more selfish than the typical Republican.
Wow that would be a real bummer not having the money to go home! I cant imagine!
Congrats on making it to digg's front page. :)
great story about a great man indeed. I'll be happy to blogroll it onto my blog.
this is the first story on
nice story, good glimpse into the man's character
Thanks for sharing! I'm putting it on my blog!
Thank you for translating this and bringing it to the attention of readers online, world wide(I found the link to your blog from Salon (
Early on, I got the feeling that this is a good, wise and caring man, with a vision for my country(and perhaps the one to reach out in a postive way to the rest of the world again)and I am feeling more and more confident that Obama WILL be elected on November 4th!
Again, this American thanks you for this story.
Empathy and Compassion are ideal traits in a leader. I hope we get one in November.
This hit number one on Digg AND Reddit! Congrats Leisha, you rock!
MSM next, hopefully!!!
4 realizes? If so, only an eliteist pays for a strangers carry on.
great piece. thanks so much for sharing.
This is not about issues, true. But is about character. This is the kind of person I want representing the US to the rest of the world, and providing a role model for American kids.
Character counts!
I am proud, not merely to support such a character, but to have our great nation lead by such a man!
Very interesting. Thanks for posting on this.
I posted this on a knitting and crochet website called Ravelry in a group of knitters and crocheters for Obama. I was originally brought to the story from a punk parenting website called Punkymoms.
The story is absolutely making its way across the US and being accepted well. Thanks for posting it!
Barack is indeed a great man! America needs to wake up and vote for him on Nov. 4
Who wouldn't pay for a woman crying at the international ticket counter, its only $100, which is nothing to a man as rich as Obama.
Stop with the sob story trying to make him look like an amazing person...because he's not.
"Who wouldn't pay for a woman crying at the international ticket counter, its only $100, which is nothing to a man as rich as Obama."
1) The story clearly states this was done 20 years ago, when Senator Obama was just getting off his feet. Please learn to read.
2) I don't have a hundred dollars to spare and he certainly didn't have to spare it, nor did he have any personal attachment to the woman. He was just doing something nice for someone in a bind. Oh no, not compassion! Whatever shall we do?
Geez, some people.
Anyway - to the OP, thank you for posting this. It's nice to see that presidential candidates are people too. ;)
I'll be the fly in the ointment here (slightly) and suggest that there are some "handouts" you don't want to give to people. Also, while I definitely think this is a great story, I also think it's a great story for liberals and Dems to make themselves feel good about their own values. However, this kind of story won't be making points with the (neo)conservative-types who are against the bailout and other "handouts". Character does count, but I'm already voting for Obama. If I were a conservative and heard this story (as true as it is) I'd feel defensive and want to cling more closely to my belief systems and believe more in the delusion that is the McCain campaign.
Like I said, I think this is a great story--I wish more people in his position or who are in even better positions would behave similarly. However, I also think too much praise and attention to the positive can blind us to flaws of character. One good deed, or even several, doesn't make him perfect.
Just my 2 yen--I mean no disrespect and offer my apologies if I have offended anyone.
Back in 1988 he was not rich.
He was NOT wealthy when this happened. This was many years ago when he was starting law school. He was not rich then. His recent wealth comes in the last few years from the books he has written.
You never know how your good deeds come back and bless you...Karma can be a wonderful thing.
Obama caring action is testament to the human heart, helping a stranger in need.
Makes me feel proud to be a Democrat.
Even if he was wealthy then, it would still be an act of kindness to pay the fee for a stranger. How many people who can afford it would do this?
I was just thinking that electing Obama would show the world a very different face of the United States, and on that basis is well worth doing.
Clearly, if this story is any indication of his true character, he's the right person for the job.
Excellent writing...
Thanks Leisha,
I live in Singapore and read VG everyday but I missed this nice little story, found it via Digg. Hope the networks in US are picking it up. It's true that it's a tiny little thing but it says more than a thousand words.
There are several stories like this and you can watch almost every appearance of Obama and see tell-tell signs of his character. Watch how he engages people during interviews and debates, during townhalls and speaking engagements. Everything about his demeanor exudes respect, compassion, and a level of authority that we haven't seen in a candidate in a long time.
Look at this story, and the story on NPR about him calling a reporter and apologizing for "messing up his game", look at how deferential he was to Clinton during the debates, how he looks people in the eye when he talks to them.
He's the kind of man that we want to raise our sons to be, the kind of man who walks down the street with the women on the inside, opens doors for others, stands when a lady stands, brings a guy a meal when he's down on his luck. Chivalry is not dead and I for one want a chivalrous president.
Thank you so much for posting this story.
This is really indicative of the character backing our democratic nominee, and it only solidifies a suspicion that has been floating around in the back of everyone's mind for some time now: Barack Obama is truly a man of character.
I can believe the story, but it's over dramaticized. Chances are unlikely it happened as we're told. The story is pandering to the audience and being as sappy as possible adding details like he was so valiant, etc, etc.
I'm sure he helped, and he's a great guy for that. One thing I didn't like was how she said he wore "leather" shoes. I know to most this isn't really important. But to me I see this as a sign of arrogance, the arrogance that one would wear the fur or hide of any animal purely for fashion is something I look down upon.
I'm sure Mccain couldn't care less, but I would expect more from Obama. And it disappoints me that he doesn't realize how badly animals are treated, and that to eat meat is one thing (I'm a vegetarian - but I understand people's right to eat meat), but to kill an animal purely for something as trivial as fashion or sport is disgusting.
The one thing I note is that Obama could probably be persuaded to change his opinion/ways, and I hope that once he becomes president he will do something about the appalling conditions of animals in this country, let alone the rest of the world (by example).
Did Obama ever have an address in Kansas? That's the part that seems odd to me.
as a hillary supporter, my suspicion would have been that obama paid the lady's luggage fee in an effort to move the line along, in order to clear the way for his self-aggrandizing presidential ambitions.
as a devoted republican, i would speculate that obama confused the lady with one of his fellow jihadists in the al qaida terror cell. he thought the infidels were going to foil their dastardly plot, so he intervened using his anti-christ-like charm, in order to get the bomb on the plane, no questions asked.
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
He has been my candidate from day one. This story is just one example of why.
Thanks for translating and sharing :)
I have so much respect for Obama. Obama may God bless you for eternity.
Thank you so much for translating and telling your story! I live in the US, and Obama has my vote!!
great article! Thanks for posting!
It is a disgrace how many people are taken in by Obama. He has been proven to be a lyer, racest and a domestic terrorist sympathizer. If he is elected, the U.S. will be lucky to survive his first term, much less a second term.
This initial post just follows suit with the kind of people who are willing to vote for Obama. Where is the proof that the initial post is a true story. Only an informed, intelligent electorate, and the mercy of God, can save this country from the most dangerous election mistake we will ever make.
The hopes of so many rest with Obama... I am from St. Lucia (an island in the Caribbean) and so many of my countrymen are praying he gets elected. If he is what he appears to be, which is a genuine human being, then America's reputation around the world would be helped significantly just by him getting elected. The world is watching...
"Not that it matters"? I have to very strongly disagree.
Word is that after Tuesday night's presidential debate, the GOP is planning on launching a heavy campaign of negative advertising against Mr. Obama.
Guess what the subject is: Obama's character. The reasoning is that because character counts, impeaching Obama's character will mortally wound him electorally. They will question his honesty, and his motives, and his past associations.
This story (and your translation of it) is perhaps the perfect response. It's reputable. It isn't from a source with any visible US political ties or interests. And it is pretty striking, especially to the average middle-class American struggling with day-to-day expenses. We can sympathize with her plight, especially after the recent increases in the price airline travel (and luggage!). Since it's making the rounds on the internet, there's a good chance it could be picked up by the US mainstream media. I look forward to it.
Awww! :)
Couldn't help thinking of a certain site when reading this's an internet meme about all the nice things that "Obama has done for you". It's also a book.
One new one to add in now:
Barack Obama loaned you some money for your trip when you were stuck at the airport.
I've been impressed with a lot of things about Senator Obama but one of the things that touched me the most is how genuinely nice and kind he seems to be. This story confirmed it for me. Thank you for translating and posting it.
"The wiser choice will never be to vote Libertarian. Libertarians are even more selfish than the typical Republican."
i have to disagree there. libertarians don't believe it is in the governments authority to control or make decisions on who gets assistance and who doesn't, this is left to the citizens. it's all about having as little govt interference as possible in private liberties. this does not preclude someone of libertarian leaning from being generous or encouraging others to do so, they simply have the choice to do so on their own terms, as they see appropriate given their environment and circumstances. giving means a whole lot more when you do it from your own sense of what is right and effective vs. being forced to within politicized contexts.
while i do tend to lean toward the libertarian policies lately, of everyone running from all parties, Obama seems to me to have the intelligence, composure, strength of character and empathy to be president right now. this is the sort of man that sets a worthy example.
I wish I were an American, that way I can vote for Obama. It may seem a bit unpatriotic since I come from a different country, but all I really want to do is uphold the purity of doing something for someone for nothing in return. It's times like these when great people need to be recognized and brought to the viewing public for appreciation. With the economic and political problems we have right now in the world, sometimes to find the hope we need all we have to do is appreciate what others have done for us and what transpired for it to happen.
Top of after only 4 hours, this story sells. and others will pick it up.
Good going!
I met Barack Obama twice before. I was fishing off the coast of Chicago in Lake Michigan. At the time fishing was about the only way I could get a meal. It had been two days since I had eaten anything and I was hungry. That day my fishing was going just about as well 2 stinking hours and not even anything that felt like a bite. Then I heard this voice. I turned around and there was a tall guy with big ears on the shore. He called to me.
I remember the hairs on my arm standing up.
He called to me and said, "try the otherside."
So I did, and I filled my boat with salmon. I asked him who he was and he said, "You are a fisherman." I call on you today to help me. So after that I canvased the steets of Chicago and helped Barack defeat Alan Keyes in 2004.
The second time was at a wedding. He was really drunk and snogging some fat bird.
Being a nice person is NOT enough qualification to become President. We need someone who has vision and the courage to lead, both of which Obama lacks, to be the President.
@leisha_camden - thank you for sharing this story. What a wonderful story and testament to his great character.
@thomas - "did he ever have an address in Kansas?" Yes - he lived with his mother and grandparents in Kansas.
@bryan - "Only an informed, intelligent electorate, and the mercy of God, can save this country from the most dangerous election mistake we will ever make."
Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly - no way McCain can make it. I would count you in the informed and intelligent electorate, but you cannot spell and you are willfully blind to the truth and spout lies. So, there you go. You lose.
20 years ago, McCain was taking bribes from Charles Keating. And he's got the everloving gall to attack OBAMA's character???
He already had my vote. But stories like this make me hopeful that we are putting a genuinely good person in the White House, rather than just a less-bad one.
I once loaned a random guy $20, but he never repaid. It takes faith to offer your hand, and I just take this as more evidence that Obama actually has faith in goodness of people.
What!?! Obama is taking contributions from a foreign country?!?
Shesh, just shows how corrupt he is.
Never mind his Arab roots, clearly he is a lackey for Norway . . .
What!?! Obama is taking contributions from a foreign country?!?
Shesh, just shows how corrupt he is.
Never mind his Arab roots, clearly he is a lackey for Norway . . .
John McCain's 'airport generosity story' would be when he met his new baby daughter there and another little girl, both of whom would have otherwise died in an Asian orphanage for lack of medical resources.
@ Beatrice M:
I'm still working through the biography, but it looks to me Obama's family had already moved to Hawaii during this time? Can someone else verify? It's a beautiful story -- I hope it's true.
Hi Leisha,
Would you consider posting your story, "Not that it matters..." on We already have a few stories about how people met senator Obama, yours would make for a great addition.
I am touched by this story. This story shows what kind of a person Barack Obama is and Americans should know about it.
Funny. I read this in the paper the other day--- never imagined it would be translated, blogged and dugg.
And I really don't see the point of someone in Norway making up a story like this (even though some of us here are expats eligible to vote in US federal elections).
such sweet thunder:
Obama spent his childhood in Hawaii. By this time he hadn't lived in Hawaii for years.
Ah yes, such a gloriously generous man. A hero, a saint, a savior to the poor and oppressed. Too bad he only donates 0.5% of his income to American charities. Oh well, I guess that's all the "change" they need.
What a JOKE!
That is a very cool story, and if it were not true what purpose would it serve.
I'd have thought your favorite book would've been Beggars in Spain..
I have some trouble believing this.. But, you never know...
Thank you SO much for such a wonderful story!
I posted it (along with your link) on our website as well to share with our readers.
Again--thank you for spreading GOOD news! So nice to hear something human about a politician in an election year!
"Miljoarbeider" is a Norwegian compound word using the words Miljo and arbeider. Miljo is analogous to the English word milieu and means literally environment or surroundings. In this setting it means environment. Arbeider can only mean one thing. It means worker.
Lovely story, and thank you so very much for sharing it. You rock!
"This is not a big or important story." - Yes it is. It speaks directly to his character.
So he'll give $113 to a total stranger but won't give a dime to his half brother living in a shack. Makes him an even more dispicable person than I originally thought.
I think this story is an enormous deal. It demonstrates his ability to walk his talk, his genuine caring nature. In a world full of spin it is stories like this that tell you the true nature of someone.
A leader cannot possibly know everything that is needed it to run a country, those that think they do are usually the worst. A person who is in touch with his shared humanity who will care about the actions he takes in office. It is not the only skill he needs, he also needs to be able to choose his advisers wisely and many other things.
I think it is an integral part of a good leader, one that should not be missing.
*social worker
You know what I find amusing? Someone found it worthwhile to mention that Obama's character is suspect because his half-brother lives in a shack.
It seems that the criticizer neglected to mention that they have met only twice in their lifetimes (being that they live on two completely different continents, were born decades apart, with only their father in common).
Now, while it is often the case that family members will take care of each other, how can one be expected to take care of another on a completely different continent? Especially one that you've only seen two times in your lifetime.
Furthermore, is this assistance even wanted? How are we even sure that the assistance wasn't offered?
Aren't we, as adults, obligated to take care of ourselves?
[If you still think that Barack should be "bailing out" George, I'd like to let you know that I'm your half-brother, and times are rough. Pay up.]
The word you're looking for is environmental worker.
I find it quite sad to see any print by VG getting attention online. It's the worst of the Norwegian tabloids, and this year their quality as a source for news has crash landed somewhere in White Trash-Ville.
This article was flanked by unintelligable nonsense.
Go Obama (republicans are messing with my Norwegian house loan)!
What a fantastic show of character! God I hope this man becomes the next US president
well a nice post i've read after a long time thanks for this and i am extremely glad that it made the people to know the good deep mind that Obama have... thanks a tonne
what do you think mccain was doing in 1988?
In 1988 Senator John McCain was taking bribes from Charles Keating and helping to foster the Savings and Loan collapse. Look it up.
This is really a interesting story. Good people will always have the way to be success in life.
Hey! I`m a norwegian, and i can say that VG is one of, if not THE largest paper i Norway. It`s also the biggest online-paper. I have no reason to doubt the story, and with the paperproof (official Senate stamp of Washington DC, personal signature, etc), i guess it would be easy to check it out. I hope a larger media in the USA comes out with the story. It would be strange if they did`nt when you look at all the bullsh*t they come out with usually. :-)
Also, if you go to the VG article, and check out at the bottom, there are two other Blog-links besides this one (this one was the first though).
Hope this story can reassure some doubting americans (especially the whites with norwegian relatives..i think there are quite a few over there) about Obamas character, and push away the rotten smears of the McCain campaign.
VG's paper edition is the biggest newspaper in Norway.
But I think that Dagbladet is bigger online.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. :-)
How is Obamas Brother doing??
I know they said that VG was the largest online paper not too long used to pride themselves to be it around 2004, but i`m not sure right now. But i guess things are in continuous state of change oline. ;-)
VG is quite possibly the largest paper media too, yes.
But the most important thing is that it`s a serious paper, even though they (as all others) may put out a story that isn`t "bloody serious".
But it`s not a paper that usually goes after bogus articles. And with a front page saturday paper issue, it`s also something that commits them to a level of truth.
Anyone that`s tipped the US media yet (i`m sure there is..hehe)?
Funny how good deeds (like bad ones) can find you several years later. :-)
great story, although I'm confused. Part of your stoary says she threw the letter out after chaving it in her wallet for many years, but the photo she is posing with the letter?
Thank you.
I received a link to your post from a friend and have passed it along to more.
Thank you.
Anon: She threw out the note with his name and address. The letter arrived years later, it's a different piece of paper, which she has kept. :-)
OK, I will then claim that VG is the biggest in both print and online. Because I know they're the biggest print medium. Especially now that Dagbladet's circulation is dropping so much. >:-)
But Dagbladet has won a couple of Website of the Year awards or something like that; I guess that's what misled me. :-)
Thank you for posting this translation. Makes me very happy to be supporting such a wonderful guy. I've forwarded this link on to my family and friends so they can also share this wonderful story.
While it is great that he did this, by no means does it show that he is the best choice for the Presidency. Obama is a shining example of Extreme Liberal Bias in that he wants to do to the Military what Clinton did and leave us defenseless while continuing the Democratic tradition of allowing Pork Barrel Spending to kill us.
In this day and age when politics has been reduced to defamation of character, lies, and deceit without shame or remorse, Barack Obama remains true to ideals that have brought him to this crossroads of history. I can only hope that people in America will find it possible to look through the ugliness and vote for this unique, intelligent and caring person. Obama is the only hope we have in this dark period of moral decay in the U.S. We can only continue to hope.
your article reached, hope this reaches some media in u.s. Thanks!
Big Deal. So Good Samaritan Obama helped some stranger with $100 twenty years ago. That's chicken scratch. Twenty years ago John McCain was helping Charles Keating to the tune of *millions* of dollars.
Either this story is fiction (likely) or the woman is remembering entirely wrong (possible). Obama was not living in Kansas 20 years ago. To the best of my knowledge - he never lived there.
Oops. I say that as a 100% Obama supporter. I don't need this story to tell me he is a man of good character.
I support this article.
Unfortunately choosing a President must take the quality and character of the candidate's running mate must be considered . Barak Obama lost my vote when he selected Joe Biden as a Vice President . Biden dropped out of the 1988 Presidential race due to his plagiarism and false statements about his academic record .
Biden falsely states his first wife was killed in an accident in which a truck driver was drinking . The truck driver was not drinking and Biden's wife was totally at fault in the accident . The driver died in 1999 . When the driver's daughter heard Biden's false statements quoted from a speech in 2001 she wrote to him . He replied stating he and his sons felt no animosity but continued to make those false statements . There is no way this despicable individual should have the most remote chance of becoming President .
come on...
When you're young and move often, or living in a place you know is only temporary (say, while at school), it's easiest, and common to simply provide the address of a settled close relative like grandparents. I know my parents' address has been mine for years while I've bounced around.
I mean, when ~$100 might be in the mail, you don''t hand out an adress you might not be at in 2 more months.
The Xombie who passed this story on to us included the fact that it was 'a story about Obama's past,' but failed to mention that it was so heartwarming ... doubtless`e was playing on the natural human urge to find out unknown things, but I perceive that`e was also playing on the modern-media's custom of point us on to 'uncover secret pasts of the current candidates.'
Obama is willing to help someone who can vote for him but his own half brother is destitute in Africa. That is the sort of thing that makes him just like every other politician.
Gee, I wonder if he scored?
Here's another take on Obama vs. McCain, on a topic that we'll never see in the mainstream media:
John McCain is an ABBA fan???
Nooooo ... !!!!
Even though the act wasn't tremendous or profoundly touching in itself, I find there is something within the story that --- even if it wasn't Obama --- shows how even the smallest gesture can have lasting ripples in the fabric of our lives.
I once gave some $ to someone in need...can I have your vote?
Great post. I hope the story is true.
Lemmings, all of you.
What a dignified and mature response.
Thanks! I posted this on my facebook page.
I think this is pretty amazing of Obama, certainly not everyone would have done the same thing, US senator or not. I can, however, imagine Sarah Palin being in the same situation and making a remark like "look, if you're not boarding at least let me pass because I'm on a tight schedule".
Although, then again, expecting such an elaborate sentence from such a person is probably wishful thinking. :P
I know, I know... I'm a mischievous little person, but tell you what, I'm not even American, I'm Portuguese and even I dislike her.
I think this is a happy story, thank you Leisha for translating it. Made me smile. (Yeah, it's sappy, then what?!)
Would you be interested in learning some more about Sen. Obama? What if it isn't something as warm and fuzzy as this?
I'd have donated 103 dollars, just for the symbolic value :)
I know, that's exactly what I thought too. :-)
This is nice, you should forward it to various American newspapers because you are right, it is not something they would cover or know about.
You can always tell the rightwingnuts -- they can't spell, punctuate, or write a coherent sentence. Hate, hate, hate, that's all the McBushDicks can do. They're clinically insane, incapable of facing reality, much less their own pitiful little worthless selves.
I had heard this story a long time ago while I was standing in line with a transfer student, and the baggage jerk gave her a hard time. Maybe he thought I was a pushover too, because I'm short and blonde. Unfortunately for his ignorant butt, I'm also ex-Navy. An older guy turned and looked at me oddly. "You know, you remind me of someone. Except he was taller. And darker."
I'd never even heard of Obama at the time (being from Florida), but if I ever get to shake his hand, it will be as one true liberal, the way Jesus was a liberal, to another.
As for the McBushDicks, I have yet to see any of YOU donate a DIME to anyone who actually NEEDS it.
I am not going to vote for Obama, but I really enjoyed reading this story. Thank you for posting it.
Thank you for sharing that -- a friend forwarded the link to me. It's amazing how connected we all are. The story about Obama doesn't surprise me at all. I think he is a very nice person, as well as being a great human being. Let us all think every day, at least three times a day, "President Obama."
I do this and picture him in my mind sitting at the desk in the Oval Office of the White House. Really. Please think of President Obama frequently. And thank you again. Your blog is good.
San Antonio, Texas
So pathetic. I can see women reading this and crying. Do you really think he's going to be any different than the evil Republicans? Everybody is so naive? That means YOU, the person reading this.
For those questioning about Obama's brother, Obama's brother himself has said that he is not poor and does not need charity.
From the article
"He said that he was furious at subsequent reports that he had been abandoned by the Obama family and that he was filled with shame about living in a slum. “It seems there are people who want to destroy me and my family,” he said.
“They say I live on a dollar a month, but this is all lies by people who don’t want my brother to win.” He said that he was supported by his mother, Jael, who now lives in the US, and by a cousin in Huruma. "
Total BS. The Obamanation won't even help his brother who makes 12$ a year. His only dionations are to the KKK "Church" he is a memeber of.
Obamanation Hitler Youth
You can always tell the lefttwingnuts -- they can't spell, punctuate, or write a coherent sentence. Hate, hate, hate, that's all the McBushDicks can do. They're clinically insane, incapable of facing reality, much less their own pitiful little worthless selves. The truth...the leftists can’t handle the truth. Go to the link below for the truth.
This is not a question of guilt on Obama's part by association merely with someone merely guilty (and shamefully still proud) of horrific crimes from the 1970s and 1980s. This is a question of recent co-conspiracy by an adult Obama in programs expressly designed by that proud bomb-thrower to overturn our existing American value system by indoctrinating students from toddler-age up with revolutionary rhetoric and doctrine.
Bill Ayers ought to be in prison still. If not in prison, he ought to be shunned and condemned. But Obama's failing isn't a passive one (a mere failure to shun), or a casual one (bumping into "a guy from my neighborhood"). Instead, it's an active, continual, multi-year collaboration in attempting to achieve despicable goals today. In addition to cosmos-sized irony, this whole story is permeated with cosmos-sized bad judgment, of a sort that frankly should disqualify Barack Obama from any public office.
You want a mnemonic? Obama's values are too RAW (Rezko, Ayers & Wright) for him to be permitted to become President of the United States.
Or this: Obama would make WAR (Wright, Ayers & Rezko) on the traditional American values we cherish.
"She recently donated 100 dollars to his campaign"
I hope she donated $103.
Anonymous said...
So he'll give $113 to a total stranger but won't give a dime to his half brother living in a shack. Makes him an even more dispicable person than I originally thought.
October 6, 2008 9:33 AM
Yes and the current President's brother gave him the votes of Florida so that makes him a really good guy. Intersting the words you left out the translation
Mary snudde seg og der sto en høy og mørk mann hun aldri hadde sett før.
but then my experience is that Norwegians aren't as linguistically sensative as others.
If I had a nickel for every time I gave a person in need some money I would put it in a sock and knock Barack Hussein Obama down a few pegs. He's running against the most experienced leader and best candidate for President this country has had in my lifetime and we are going to let him showboat his way into the White House. I want to see a thread started about how McCain lasted through a POW camp and under years of torture never gave away American secrets.
Anon, you are stupid ... (or lazy?)
If you'd bothered to read my very first comment on this story, you would have known that I deliberately left a couple of things out of my translation - like the name, which in actuality cropped up already in the headline - in order to make the denouement as exciting as possible. Do you understand this logic? Don't answer ...
Your long experience with Norwegians I'm sure gives you ample material to base your statement on (I bet you've got a whole busload of Norwegian friends!!) but at least this Norwegian is 'linguistically sensitive' enough, whatever that is, to know how to spell 'sensitive'. And 'interesting' ...
And to all you 'haters' (gag) who have commented here: I'm letting your comments stand (although I will delete anything that seriously crosses the line) - your so-called arguments speak for themselves. I will say though that I find it interesting that you're spending all this energy (I obviously don't mean just here) slamming the opponent, instead of actually doing something positive for your own candidate.
And you are beyond ignorant.
That shit you want to read about never happened, so don't hold your breath waiting. McSame was not 'tortured for years' and he did divulge information that he should have kept to himself. Like how he was the son of an admiral, you think a bargaining chip like that is something a good soldier would reveal to the enemy?
Go start your own blog and write whatever you want there, that's my advice.
Re Barack's history refer to: Wikipedia (
Let's hope that nothing will happened to him like what had happened to Robert Kennedy, my other favorite. That's what I'm most concern about!
Leisha, Thank you for putting the human side of Barack, not in front of the cameras, out there. Great Job. In the World, every little bit "matters"! (My daughter, Maggie, has a Box turtle the last two years... he doesn't know Barack, but appears happy... grin )
Is war the only thing that matters, the only thing that spell the difference? Is it Obama's fault that he was then too young to be fighting in a war that McCain fought in? Not a fair comparison. The world has had enough of this war mentality, aka pre-emptive strike.
That is actually a very interesting perspective.
Many Republicans seem to be using Obama's lack of war experience against him. (As if having experienced war, which notoriously unhinges the human mind, is a good thing in itself, which is debatable.) But which war is it they feel he should have fought in?? There is none!! He is too young for the Vietnam war, and too old for Iraq I. So even if he had wanted such experience (which I doubt) he could not possibly have gotten it, barring a stint in the Foreign Legion. So what's a man to do? This is actually an important question, since if the lack of this type of experience is enough to disqualify someone from serving in a public office, that means a whole generation of American men and women will be so disqualified. Which I should think is obviously ridiculous to everyone.
Whitney, btw: thank you. :-) Box turtles are cool. Keep looking after it well, they can get incredibly old. :-)
So let' see, Leisha, regarding your response to Anon that "that shit didn't happen" I guess that now you are privy to information about something that happened before you were born, in a situation that you can't imagine to a man that you'll never even begin to understand. How can you can claim that McCain (learn to spell, sweetheart) wasn't tortured when every other American who was there with him at the time says he was? How do you know that he "gave up" the information that his father was an admiral? Are you so racist that you think the North Vietnamese were too stupid to even know the order of battle of their enemies (if you don't know what that means look it up)?
So Obama MAY HAVE given someone in need a hundred bucks at the airport and then gotten the money back from them. How does that even start to compare with John McCain being tortured for years (yes, years) and then forgiving the people who did that to him?
Just because the candidate you like is more telegenic doesn't make him the better leader. Tell me this, for all the talk about how Obama passed up a lucrative career to work as a community organizer, what real "change" did he effect there. I am a life-long Chicagoan and I can tell you the difference he made: NONE. Obama is a typical Chicago political machine hack who did everything our corrupt mayor, Richie Daley, told him to do when he was a state senator.
I know people who tried cases against the legal firm that Obama was a junior member of and even the Democrats among them say it was a good thing he left law for politics because he was useless as an attorney. He was only brought along on cases where having a black face among the legal team would be seen as a good thing.
I also happened to have heard the following story from someone I know very well and believe. This story hasn't appeared in any newspapers in Norway, so you may not believe it but I do. My friend works for one of the two major newspapers in Chicago. After Obama was elected US Senator my friend contacted Obama's people to set up a meeting with Obama regarding some upcoming FCC issues (the FCC is the federal governmental agency that governs media companies) about which the newspaper was concerned. A few days later Obama's people called back and said that, yes, the Senator would be happy to discuss the matter if the paper would donate $25,000 to Obama's campaign fund. I guess that all that money he gave away in airports started adding up and he needed to top off the kitty. Needless to say, the paper didn't pay so the Senator never talked to them.
Like I said you'll probably pass this of as right-wing ravings, but I can tell you I didn't vote for Bush in the last election and in fact I voted for John Anderson a long time ago, so I am not some Republican fanatic. I believe the story because, number one, I trust my friend, and number two, I know how things work in Chicago. Obama is not an agent of change in any way that we need it in this country.
I have a similar, but smaller story that also told me something important about this man. I went to a rally for Sen. Obama while the primaries were still on. There were thousands of people waiting for a long time, wanting to see and hear him at the University. He paced the stage with a microphone and no notes, sharing his vision and reasons we should vote for him. Behind him on the stage, facing all the lights, were many local volunteers who had helped his campaign. During his talk, a young person was led off the stage, probably feeling faint, while thousands watched. Obama noticed the incident and remarked that someone should get her some water, then realized he had an unused bottle of water sitting for him on the stage. Without missing a beat, he tossed the bottle to someone on the stage so that they could give it to the one who needed it most. He then went on with his remarks, as if nothing happened, but people took notice of this tiny act of selflessness to help one in need.
Native Son: Yes, you are right. I know everything!!! You totally called it. I am the smartest person alive and I know absolutely everything. Are you sure you don't know me personally??
'Years of torture' didn't happen. He was probably tortured (although just leaving his injuries from the crash untreated would most likely have been torture enough) but he was not tortured for five years together as the anon implies.
Oh, why bother. Hopefully you will never read this anyway. You really need to read more carefully what people write. 'The candidate I like'? FYI, from where I see it, Barack Obama is a right wing nutjob just like every other American politician I ever heard of. BUT I do find him a great deal more sympathetic than his opponent, and my impression of him is that he is more competent. (He doesn't have one foot in the grave, for one thing.) You may disagree, but calling me a racist is not the way to get your opinion across.
Meh. Doesn't matter anyway. You automatically lost the discussion when you called me 'sweetheart'.
Hey, Leisha, way to avoid answering any particular point. Apparently this blog really is random.
Yes. Can't you read?
Not interested in any kind of discussion with you. Sorry, 'sweetheart'.
She lives in Norway and... "She has already voted for Obama."... in a U.S. election?
The Democrats are REALLY reaching out for votes aren't they?
Even though it was a nice "story" how in the world can you say he saved her love....? Wouldn’t it be better to state the FACT..He saved her suitcases no?
Things we do for some publicity!!
Anon @ 5:39: you are not seriously saying that only American citizens resident in American territory should be allowed to vote?? No expats should be allowed to vote?? :-o I think your constitution disagrees with you ... !!
Anon @ 7:46: don't be such an idiot. This is a translation of a newspaper article. I translated what the article says. So asking 'how can you say', to be honest, makes you sound like an idiot.
First read, then post ... !! Always read first and then post!
Leisha HONESTLY, I think you are the one who sounds more like an idiot. You would think you knew how to translate since you are posting your blog on here in English. You should maybe focus on learning the language better instead of keep defending Obama - just a thought.
I reserve the right to sound like an idiot on my own blog. You can go sound like one on yours.
Please tell me where the errors are in my translation (apart from what I already pointed out in the first comment to this post). 'He saved her love' is what the actual headline of the actual article in the actual newspaper actually said. Nothing I could do about that.
Thanks for the story. I love stuff like this. If others are skeptical or look for hidden agendas, then I feel sorry for them. If there are those who are naysaying you for errors, as you say, it's your blog, do what you want. :)
For me, I've tired of this entire process and just wish it would be over already.... especially after last night's debate which caused me to turn off the set at about the time McCain talked about nailing Jello to the wall, I really needed a little something nice and this was forwarded to me.. so thank you for posting it. :)
Aw. Glad this story could make you feel better, Andrew. Thanks for stopping by. :-)
regardless of who the people are in the story it's things like this that restore my faith in the human spirit, that people will act blindly when someone else needs a hand
it's stories like this that make me believe, once again, that people are truly meant to help one another
and when I take into account that it was Barack Obama it only seals the deal for me, a person like this will do good for our great country and for the world
I think it would have been more touching if she donated $103 instead of $100.
You Obama cool-aid drinkers are the same ones that bought the Gore lies about anthropogenic global warming.
You are all useful idiots.
Take that to the bank
With all the controversy going on about the election, that market crash, all kinds of conspiracy theories, & a very unstable future, this was definitely a wonderful story to read ! A pity there is sceptics even with this! Why would anyone cast a shadow by doubting that he would do something a gracious as lend money to a lady in need. I’ve listened to most of his speeches, & I believe he is a down to earth gentle man who wishes to bring a country he is proud to be a part of out of its troubles. America Wake up! It is not just white folk that care! You have not cornered the market on acts of kindness! I believe Obama will make a very good President, & if anything happens to him it will be a dark day for the white people in the world! I am sick to death of prejudice! There is good, bad & ugly in every race, & so far the worst seems to stem from the Caucasians that call themselves Christians! You disgust me the way you hide behind your religions criticising anything that doesn’t fit with your way of thinking!!!! Get over yourselves! The world is a beautiful place! Protect it & quit tainting it with your dogma! God loves us all & forgives our you Forgive? Are you Grateful? Barack Obama, thank you for being a gentleman to that lady in need 20 years ago! Leisha Camden, thank you for printing the story!
Senator Obama is a racist. Maybe it’s his white half since only Caucasians can be racists. The only reason he got as far as he has with his credentials is because he is considered black by most blacks in this country who are (I know this it politically incorrect to say this) racists! He will throw under the bus anyone he has to for political expediency (starting with his white mother, his black brother in Africa his pastor and trainer etc.). He is a Marxist socialist in the worst since (wants redistribution of wealth to start). He is not fit to be commander in chief because he would make a deal with the devil (Iran for example). His is not loyal to his constituents, since being a senator is just a stepping stone to higher office for him. Note that he didn’t have anything to offer in the search for a solution to the Democrat instigated mortgage melt-down, so he didn’t want to go to Washington and perform the duties of a senator. He is an empty suit and he knows that and everything he will say in Washington will be noticed now, so “call me if you need me” what his mantra. Well if you are not needed now, when are you needed? Never! Obama, go back to the streets of Chicago. Since you were such a great community organizer, that is where you can make your greatest contributions.
You know, "Anonymous", my community is the United States of America, and I can't think of anyone I'd rather have organizing it for the next four to eight years.
...than Obama, that is.
It's been a long day. Sorry I was unclear.
It was clear to me. :-)
Thanks for stopping by!
Leisha - such a pleasure to read this and to meet you! My best friend forwarded this to me and I love it!
I too am obsessed with Keanu Reeves and was going to marry him :P
Nice to meet you too, thanks for stopping by!
I too am obsessed
I think we are simpatico ... ! ;-)
what a wonderful human story about Obama helping Mary 20 years ago Liesha... after all the bitterness and hatred McCain and Palin have been inciting this was a refreshing change
it truly speaks volumes about Senator Obamas character
ty for such a touching story
What a great story... THANKS FOR POSTING!!!!
If this story is true and Obama is that generous, one would wonder why his half-brother lives in squalid conditions in Africa without assistance.
Maureen O'Danu I see in your profile that you live off the goverment so I not surprised that you would be on the left on issues. Well then Obama is your man! He want's more people like you sucking off the federal teet.
You leftists love BIG goverment becose it create more dependents and job security for government drones.
I have a better idea, why don't you leftists all move to Havana. Socialism works great there!
Well said!!
So Leisha Camden what's it like having your country overrun by moslems, that you "invited" in, being such a big hearted liberal country. Or am I thinking of Holland.
Is your affinity for Obama due to the fact that he is a moslem?
That's a great story, no matter who the 'stranger' was. Same thing happened to me, stranded in an airport with no money. I'd gone tree-planting for the summer, but bad weather and then a forest fire left us stranded. I hitch-hiked to an airport, where Police officers, who I thought were going to usher me out for loitering, opened the Chappel so I could sleep on a comfortable couch. They came back later with some sandwiches for me to eat. On the flight, two nice men offered me their meals--one one bought me head-phones while I was napping, simply because he thought I'd like to catch up with the news after being out of touch. You never forget the kindness of strangers when you're stranded. So I'm not surprised the woman never forgot, and kept a token. I went back to the same chapel, to look for my name in the guestbook, the next time I passed through that airport.
Yawn ...
Anon @ 1:36: I don't know. Maybe because he wants to make it on his own and doesn't want to rely on handouts. I don't know, that's just a random thought.
Anon @ 1:39: The thing is that if it wasn't for American interference (the blockade and the propaganda) socialism really would work well in Havana. You are aware that Cuba's got a lower infant mortality rate than you guys, right? (I'm assuming you're American - seems a pretty safe bet.)
Anon @ 3:23: Sheesh, double yawn. Barack Obama is not a Muslim; that is a lie. It doesn't speak well of your intelligence when you buy into obvious lies like that. Try to do some research. And even if he was a Muslim, so what? Do you think that if he was, that would mean that he was EVIL!!! and out to take over your country for his evil compatriots?! LOL! That job's already been done, Saudi Arabia already owns you guys. (And China owns you too of course, mustn't forget China. ;-)
If you don't know the difference between Norway and the Netherlands, we obviously won't get far with this discussion. But I'm happy to see that even being such a big-hearted liberal, I do have certain abilities that you obviously lack, such as being able to have more than one thought in my head at the same time.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, why not now that we're here: From where I'm sitting, Barack Obama is a right wing nutcase just like every other American politician I ever heard of. Calling him a socialist is an insult to people who genuinely are in that camp (such as myself, who am a social democrat, but you probably don't know what that is, so you can just think of me as a socialist ;-). But for your country at this point in time, he is in my opinion the best choice.
In closing, a word on religion: I resent and despise all religions of Middle Eastern origins, and Islam is the worst of a bad lot. But like I said, I'm able to keep more than one thought in my head at a time. ;-)
dave: great story, thanks for sharing. :-)
For some of you who are talking about Obama's character in relation to his Brother in Kenya..check and you will see the truth behind all the lies on both parties. Then you will be enlightened. I love OBAMA!
Your story was posted on the blog :
You can link to your blog post here :
Click me!
Please check out what we have to say. If you want to write a post for us, please do so and we will post it up! The same goes for any of you other random people commenting out there!
One love people! OBAMA '08!!
Big f-ing deal. So he gave a hundred bulks to a stranded woman. What percantge of his income did he give to charities? <1%. So the socialist/marxist is really generous.
Wake up liberals if you are not completely brain dead. Liberalism is a mental disorder and you should all get your heads examined.
@leisha from anon 1:39
If the infant mortality rate is lower in Cuba it's because they focus on that because it's a measure that is used to compare countries and a propaganda topic.
The true measure of how well off people are in a country is the migration rate and the level of difficulty in getting an exit visa. The fact alone that Cubans need permission from the Castro brothers to leave speaks for itself. We've already seen what happened when Castro opened the boarders briefly during Carter's regime. It's probably before you were born but you can look it up.
Oh, and regarding your great ability to hold more than one thought, you might want to get checked out for ADHD.
Too bad his half brother lives in horrible conditions in Kenya and he does nothing to help him out.
Wait.....he gives her $103 years ago and she only donates $100 to his campaign?
I can't believe she didn't manage to look up the baggage restrictions and weigh her suitcases before emigrating. Amateur.
I had to delete the comment above because the poster for some bizarre reason had copied every single other comment ahead of it into his post and only then added his own thoughts ... such as they were. Sorry, Anon, but that was just TMI.
How does any of you know that I have not been checked out for ADD?
OMG... Are the sheep really this blind! please go watch
dont believe what the media feeds you... So glad he helped a stranger , but no health care for babies that survive a botched abortion, he say ok to kill them.
Or he spends some of 2007 campaigning in Kenya for his antisemitic cousin odinga, that has christians killed and burned after he loses the election..... Google it people!
yeah I am not sure what happened. Sorry for the mess. Thank you for cleaning up the postings.
It just so happens that I keep a copy. Here you go: :)
On the topic of socialism (I can't help myself) Leisha, you say that it's working in Norway. You are probably right. But why is it working? Because Norway is/was a racially homogenous country. Most citizens there are comparatively at the same economic level and highly educated. America on the other hand, is not racially homogenous and with great disparity in educational levels. And unfortunately the educational levels are going further down.
If socialism had a chance to work here, it would only be if we allowed the melting pot to continue to boil down our differences. But alas, thanks to the wise liberals who bring us multi-culturalism socialism doesn’t’ stand a chance. What irony! The great lie that Obama is espousing, is that while he is preaching socialist ideals i.e. that the government owes us more and we need bigger government, and everyone has a right to own a house financed by the government and we have a right to free healthcare, etc. etc. he is actually talking about federal welfare. Well if everyone is on the government dole, who is going to be working to pay for these programs? Well the great Obama has solved that problem too ( isha’ Allah): well just tax the rich!
Well who are the rich and how long will they stay rich as long as the government is sucking their lifeblood?
So let’s see how well your socialist state is working in about 50 years when you are completely overrun by Muslims and other third world paupers educated only in “those middle east religions”.
These poor, that you embrace, are having a plethora of children who are not assimilating to your society. Their lifestyle is a cancer that will continue to grow until your country will cease to exist as you know it. Now if you don’t think that your culture is worth preserving then continue on the same path. And if you don’t believe me just take a look what is happening in England and France where entire neighborhoods are governed by sharia Law. You might as well go get fitted for a hijab.
To ALL: please feel free to challenge my logic and not my sentiments
Oh, goody ...
I'm going on vacation. I don't care about any of your opinions for the next two weeks.
In my absence: take care and play nice!
Have a great time!
Send us some pictures. Oh, and if you go to an Muslim country don't take pictures of the locals, their liable to cut you pretty litle head off.
Geez Louise, what is it with you people and Muslims??
No one answer that, please ...
This has been a very long, but interesting blog. Everyone I have spoken with over the past 2 weeks feel's certain that we shall officialy install Barak Obamma for President on Jan 20,2009! I am totally in agreement with all of the electorates who have also commited to Obamma.. McCain doesn't stand a chance to win on Nov 4, 2008!
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