Monday, April 19, 2010

Did I mention ...

... that I saw The Private Lives of Pippa Lee the other day? It was good, a couple of damn annoying characters, but what do you expect. That's just true to life, I guess. ;-) Not a lot of action, mostly just people talking about their feelings, but well written and well acted. I recommend it ... if you like that sort of thing. ;-)

In other news, here's something really funny that I saw in the comments section over at Dagbladet online tonight. I know, I shouldn't laugh, but it's pretty funny:

Message from Iceland: Leggja 30 milliærðir Euro í Sýppelkassin Íslenþka ámbasaðins I nátt, og vi skrúr af vulkÁnin! Ekki ringja pólísín!!!

I wonder how that would look in Google Translate, or Babelfish ... ? :-D

But seriously, I do feel bad for the Icelanders. They're really having the worst luck. And it's embarrassing to be a non-Icelander when all people complain and whine about is how they'll miss their weekend in London or their trip to Gran Canaria or whatever. I mean, can we try to keep some perspective?? Sheesh. I hardly dare to think what Norwegians would be saying if all this shit had gone down here. Then we'd have something to whine about ... !! >:-(

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