So, it's been a year since I installed that visitor counter stats thing on the blog. It's on the sidebar, really far down. It was a year ago yesterday that I figured out how to install those. :-) I don't remember what time it was, except it was pretty late at night, so the stats will be off by a couple dozen, I guess. I've had 33,865 page hits in one year. I don't know if that's really good or bad or what :-) but I have to say I'm pretty happy with it. I've had hits from so many places all over the world - again, scroll down to see the current visitors thingummy - I've actually been meaning to do a blog post on that one of these days. It's pretty amazing where people are coming from sometimes. :-) If you're one of them, thank you!! :-)
In other news, I went to my parents' house for dinner tonight, and my mother's new mp3 player had arrived, so of course I had to explain to her how to use it. She is like on a different planet when it comes to gizmos like that. I was kind of jealous though, because even though I already have one mp3 player that works perfectly well, and one that's sort of broken but still works, I really want one like she has too. Argh ... o_O
Dey has it ... I wants it ...
4 days ago
1 comment:
impressive to think that there is that many that pass your doorstep every day from all over the world, going through your thoughts like old nosey neighbours shuffling through your house rummaging in you drawers.
Even more impressive since we have to put up with ESC and Keanu :P
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